Jaymes brings his mind-blowing brand of entertainment up close and personal. Jaymes and the audience explore ancient mind reading customs and traditions in ‘The Art of Mindreading.’
This experience is based on the Oracle act. Using the ancient study of mindreading, Jaymes with the help of the audience, is able to accomplish astonishing feats of memory, hypnotism and mindreading. Jaymes uses a thorough understanding of statistics, his own intuition, logic and the hidden talents of the human mind. Audiences of all ages leave Jaymes’ shows feeling amazed, uplifted, and with a much greater appreciation for the untapped potential within their own mind.
“The Art of Mindreading” moves fluidly from drama to suspense to hilarity. Experience first-hand the world of extrasensory perception!
Designed for intimate groups, this show is a walk-around performance and takes Jaymes directly into the audience. The experience is performed only inches away from guests and sometimes inside of their own minds. It will give everyone something to talk about, not only during the event, but for days after!
Each show that Jaymes performs hits hard and leaves audience members questioning reality and the power of the human mind. Participating in a Jaymes White event is something that you will remember for the rest of your life.